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Hi, welcome to our blog! We are newlyweds living in Memphis, TN. We love life, adventure and of course each other. We're starting a blog to keep track of any and 'all things Jacques' so we can look back and cherish memories from our first year of marriage. We'll be sharing memories, I'm sure a lot of our dog Bella, favorite recipes, books, trips, spiritual thoughts, home projects, and anything we're enjoying in life at the moment! We hope you enjoy as well. Much love, Michael and Rachel Jacques

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New year. New family. New traditions.

As we begin our journey as husband and wife (okay, so I'm a few months behind... we got married in October 2012... being late is in my nature :) I figured what better way to remember the first years than a blog?

I've never been a blogger but I enjoy sharing photos with friends and family. However, I've realized that a picture really isn't worth 1,000 words. Because a lot of times the picture only tells half of the story. For example, see the picture below. What you don't know about this picture is the excitement I felt that day getting ready or the big smile on Michael's face when he saw me for the first time... or what about taking photos in the hallway and our first dance where we sang to one another and I never felt more in love with anyone or anything in my life.

I want to remember it all. And rather than starting a diary or journal, why not publish it for our loved ones to keep up with us?

My hope is that this blog is a collection of fun memories and our favorite things that we can look back on and cherish for a lifetime. Any bloggers that have tips please fee free to share. I'm new at this... and my husband doesn't know I'm starting one. He'll thank me one day. :)

Much love,
R & M


  1. I'm so glad you are doing this! I can't wait to hear more. Best of luck!

  2. Thanks girl! I really think I am going to enjoy it. :)
